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Art House Productions Opens New Space In Jersey City With "Leisure, Lust"

Art House Productions Opens New Space In Jersey City With "Leisure, Lust"

Business Notes | New Jersey Stage

Publish Date: September 25, 2017


(JERSEY CITY, NJ) -- Art House Productions, a Jersey City-based performing and visual arts organization, will open its new space on Coles Street with Sara Farrington's Leisure, Lust from October 26 through November 12. Leisure and Lust are part of the full-length play LeisureLaborLust. Farrington is a resident of Maplewood, NJ.

Labor will be developed during the company's month in residence at Art House Productions and will be presented as a staged reading at the Sunday, November 12 matinee of Leisure, Lust.

Inspired by the worlds of Edith Wharton and Jacob Riis, Leisure, Lust tackles issues of gender, sex, love, mental illness, labor, immigration, and explores how class is woven into the fabric of American society, despite our founding narrative to the contrary. The cast features Stephanie Regina, Gabriella Rhodeen, Kyle Stockburger and Christopher Tocco.


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